Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12th, 2011 11:02am

Well I have been fighting this cold and it is winning right now and has been for the last few days.

The girls had stuffy noses for a while but everything seems ok with them now.  Jake had a fever during the day yesterday and some last night but he seems ok today however he doesn't have much of an appetite yet.

Ellie is now easily sitting up on her own all the time.   It is super cute.  I think Abbie cut another tooth so she is now winning that race with 7 to Ellie's 6.  :)

Looks like I have decided to go back to work full time soon.  I may go work for NCR if we can arrange some shifts that would work for us with minimal child care needed.  I would prefer someone to come here for a few hours four times a week but this could be tough.  I have found a daycare with two ppl who could take all three for a few hours daily if needed.

Anyhoo thats it for now.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5th, 2011 - 11:05am

Kids have cute imaginations.

Jake this morning tells me he is going to visit Lyssa.  He goes to sit in the closet for a few minutes, comes out and announces he is there and he is going to look for Andy.  He also told me he loves Lyssa like the world and then refers to me as Lyssa for a good 20 minutes.  Silly Kid.

He also decided he should wear pants today and went upstairs to get some.  He put both his legs in the same pant hole and was walking around.  He wanted me to help fix him.  Hehehe.

Abbie is less crabby today then she has been but both girls have stuffy noses and coughing a bit.  Well no different then Jake I guess on the coughing front.  Its going to be another long day.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011 3:53pm

So Jake has been really cute today.  We went out to get a hair cut at the "hair cut store" and then did groceries.

We then came home and its been a pretty relax day with him playing.  He was sick once while napping which I think is due to coughing a bit too much maybe.  Its very off and on.

So we are downstairs and I tell him I have a housecoat for him to try on.  He puts it on and then starts looking all over it to find the house asking where's the house.....LMAO  house for housecoat!!!  What a kid.

Now he keeps putting it on and telling us he is going to work......while pushing his lil grocery cart!  He is too cute.!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Holidays are over

Christmas is done....all of them.  New Years is over.  I am dead tired.  Christmas was at my inlaws place.  The next day we hosted another Christmas and dinner here with my parents, my sister and her DH and Lyssa and Andy as well as Chris' parents and grandmother.  The next day we met up with some of Chris' friends for dinner and the next day the kids and I went up north with my parents.  Chris and Aidan met up with us there on NYE.

We stayed in NYE and played poker with some family.  Went to bed late, slept till 9.  Thanks Chris!  Had a great dinner with my family the next night as Chantal and James got there.  Had a horrible night though.....Ellie woke up at 11pm wanting a bottle and she was dirty.  Afterwards, she was ready to party!  However, there was no where to let her play as there were people sleeping in every possible area.  Then Jake woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep.  He was in bed with us and playing all night.  Sigh.  Abbie woke up to drink at 4 am and then Jake up at 7am.  My mom took care of the kids for a few hours in the morning so we could sleep but man I am beat.

But overall, the holidays were great.  Everyone got over spoiled.  We had a lot of family time.  Got some great deals shopping, got some reading done.  (amazing huh)  :)

Anyhoo before I start to ramble I am off.  Time to start the bath and bedtime routines.  I won't be far behind the kids!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010 4:31pm

Well today so far has gone better then I thought.

Night started out rough with the girls waking up for a bottle around 10pm and then Jake coughing for an hour before I gave him some natural cough sirop. So again I went to bed later then normal and I am also starting to feel the effects of a small cold.

Jake was super grumpy this morning then super happy then super grumpy.  Combo of being a two year old and not having had as great a night as normal.

We had company today which is always fun.  Chris' grandmother is in town for Christmas and his Dad has two weeks off so they came by for lunch and big part of the afternoon.  Made the day fly by.  The girls were super good which is always fun.

Not everyone is gone and I am starting to feel run down so I am anxious for Chris to get home so we can get the evening routine done and I think I am going to have a cup of neo citran and then bed for me.  I really don't want to feel worse.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 21, 2010 9:55am

Ok so I am back already.

The idea is that I log stuff that happens.

Well I need to mention that it floors me how much Jake knows about my computer or my Iphone for that matter.  He is sitting beside me right now and we were on Facebook and he started saying Triangle.  I press it and we can watch the show.  He saw a play button and pressed it so we could watch the video.  He then started to put the volume louder and asked me if that was better.

It's a scary thought that my kids will surpass my knowledge of technology before they even hit their teen years.  Scary scary thought indeed.

December 22, 2010 9:15am

My list of to do's before Christmas isn't huge but it is hard to figure out how I am going to get the stuff that needs to be done at the last minute done with three little ones running and/or crawling all over the place.

Well Chris is going to work from home on the 24th YAY and Jake will go spend the day with Grampie and Grandmaman (Chris' grandmother).  If Jake stayed home he would distract Chris all day and Chris is anticipating a day spent on the phone.  The girls will be able to play while Chris works and I can make soup for Christmas lunch, pack all the stuff for the next day at the inlaws and tidy up the house for the big party here on Boxing Day.

Packing shouldn't be too bad since we aren't spending the night or anything but it is still a lot of stuff to bring.  Good thing we have a highchair there, a crib and playpen, toys (lots of new ones will be opened anyway), cup for Jake, blankets, bibs, etc.  I still need to pack diapers for three, wipes, change of clothing and pjs to come home in, formula and baby food for the girls.  Maybe a saucer for the girls to play in as they enjoy being standing.  I also need to bring the soup I will be making and the stocking stuffers and remaining presents (most are already there due to the lack of tree here).

I am also hoping Canada Post comes by today with the rest of the stuff that I have ordered.  They even had the nerve to send me a delivered email yesterday for some wool diaper covers I ordered for the girls but I didn't receive them.  Delivered yeah right!  I am also waiting on a tee shirt I ordered for Dom (MIL) and some free shirts I got through a cereal promotion that I was going to add to my dad's and Aidan's presents.  GRRRR

On my to do list today was vacuuming which I did first thing so the girls could safely play on the floor.  Ill get dishes done throughout the day and try to keep up with the ever growing pile of laundry.  If the rest of my stuff arrives I will wrap it all up too.  Fun day huh!!  LOL